This visualizer was built to demostrate diffrent pathfinding algorithms in more visual manner. Here the starting node,
which is me searches for (not always) shortest path to
my girlfriend .
Some useful tips:
You can change the size of the grid using the scroller at the top-right corner.
To choose the algorithm you can use the dropdown at the top-left corner.
You can change position of start and finish using drag-and-drop.
You can click on the grid cell to set the wall, none of the algorithms can go through the wall.
You can shift + click on the grid cell to set the water obstacle, some of the algorithms (A* and Djikstra) will try to avoid these obstacles when possible, others will ignore them (BFS, DFS and Random).
Be sure to try Maze builders next to algorithm dropdown!
This app was inspired by Clement Mihailescu and his pathfinder. Enjoy!